Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Assignment 1: Everything You Will Ever Need

In the future machines will have begun to control most of humanity by means of taking advantage of their lazy tendencies.  While they could obliterate the human population they keep them around as a sort of pet, totally unbeknownst to the human. This product was marketed to humans as "All You Will Ever Need." It includes a suit that protects one from the harsh outdoor climates while providing them with all the "food and drink"that their body will require to survive, as well as all the entertainment they could desire. It includes, music, movies, a phone to call friends and even a virtual mode in which the occupant of the suit can meet up with friends and have virtual parties and encounter.  The suit is hooked up to the bed-like vehicle that enables the "owner" of the human to transport them with ease. The device is even equipped with a security system so that the the owner can keep a watchful eye on their human, just in case.