Friday, May 3, 2013

Art Show Review 1

This year’s annual student art show really blew me away.  The works for the most part were so beautiful and well made. The first piece that of course grabbed my attention was the mannequin draped in a gown made entirely from pages of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 made by Colby Stephens.  The gown alone was stunning, in the structure of the bodice and the flow of the incredible train that followed it. The dress alone could have held its own in the space, but there were also many other amazing works.  The other works that really caught my eye were the photopolymer etchings on mulberry by Andy Gallian.  The works titled “you Cant Keep the Devil from the Media” and “Their Voice Goes to Ones and Zeros” were especially strong.  The details that he was able to make on the etchings were so clean and produced an incredibly crisp image that made for two really visually strong images. The content of the works was also really strong without there needing to be a lot of stuff going on in the piece.  I really admire the way that he was able to capture the emotions in the two faces depicted.
  While I did enjoy the other works that were display, there was only one that I found less than average.  The photographs by David Schooley from the Monterey Bay Aquarium were just very “meh” to say the least. I’ve taken nearly the exact same ones on my phone and have seen numerous others do the same. Not just that, but I also felt that they quality of the picture wasn’t even that great either.  This was the only work that I really had an issue with and it was mostly due to its unoriginality and blandness. As for the rest of the show, I was completely blown away with what the students produced.

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